Sed Gyued Monastery
Salu Tsowo De-Gye Kyi Duk Yung
Salu Tsowo De-Gye Kyi Duk Yung
Removal of the Poisons of the Eight Major Nagas and Planets
This is a ritual or liturgy to help sentient beings to expel the poisons of the
planets, nagas and the eight classes of demons that causes sickness.
The benefits of this ritual are:
It pacifies the illnesses such as heaviness, dullness and pains in the body,
dumbness and difficulty speaking, and unclear and ignorant mind caused by
the poisons of the planets, nagas and the eight classes of demons due to our
past karmas and various adventitious conditions. It also pacifies their visible
poisons, touchable poisons, mouth vapor poisons, evil thought poisons, and
the poisons of the four natural elements, and brings good health, happiness
and prosperity. It is particularly beneficial for overcoming the contemporary
diseases like stroke, epilepsy paralysis, sickness caused by naga obscurations,
and so forth.